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Heroes and Villains: The True Story of The Beach Boys - Steven Gaines

Heroes and Villains: The True Story of The Beach Boys
Steven Gaines
First Published: HB. 1986. New American Library, New York.
This Edition: HB. 1986. Macmillan, London.

Who are the Heroes and who are the Villains? Steven Gaines wisely avoids calling the shots, but few come out of this book unblemished. Choosing to revel in the groups’ dirty laundry, Gaines tells an astonishing roller-coaster story of domestic abuse, mental illness, drug abuse, backstabbing, lies, infidelity and death. The backdrop is the incredible rise of the Beach Boys; a tale of unbridled excess left unchecked in the face of massive commercial success en route to becoming one of the world’s most financially successful bands.

The book has a reputation for being gossipy and some fans look down upon its gutter-sniping. David Leaf had consciously glossed over the “often-embarrassing specifics” in his book, in which the band had criticised their characterisation. Ironically, they come off looking far, far worse in this book in which they were willing participants. Upon re-reading this in 2023, I was just struck by how well researched and told the story is. Gaines pulled off quite a feat, managing to interview pretty much all the key players: Brian Wilson, Carl Wilson, Dennis Wilson, Mike Love, Al Jardine, Audree Wilson, Eugene Landy, Marilyn Wilson, Diane, May, and Irving Rovell, Dennis’ ex-wives Karen Lamm, Carol Bloome and Barbara Charren, Annie Hinsche, Stan Love, Jerry Schilling, Gary Usher, Stephen Desper, Nick Grillo, Steven Korthoff, Rocky Pamplin, Christine McVie…the list goes on. Spending significant time with the group and attaining candid interviews with some of the individuals above resulted in a really explosive tell-all that would seem incredible were it not for the fact most of the detail came straight from those involved. On a few occasions, Gaines points out where varying accounts conflict, or where individuals refute the stories others told (a few of these names are certainly disreputable sources,) but in the main most of the content here seems verifiable. The fact it remains in print, unedited to this day says something for the veracity of the text.

The main focus of the book is really around the destructive lives of Brian and Dennis; Mike is also highlighted as an antagonist, while Carl mostly fades to the back, save for his infamous issues in Australia. Al Jardine, by merit of being mostly scandal-free, is dismissed as “a man waiting for a bus” (Dennis’ words, not the author’s). More words are devoted to marginal characters like Stan Love and Rocky Pamplin, and to various wives and lovers than to poor old Al.  

The book opens with a harrowing and effecting account of the last days of Dennis’ life, well researched and dramatised using material and dialogue taken directly from those who saw Dennis at this time. It’s a sledgehammer of an opening, transitioning into a scene of young Dennis and father Murry at their Hawthorne house where Gaines picks up the story of the beginnings of the band. The tales of bullying, in-fighting, teenage pregnancies, prostitutes and drug dabbling seem almost quaint when contrasted to the horrors of the late 70s. As the decades roll on, the tales become more and more shocking, degenerate and debauched: Charles Manson, spousal abuse, heroin snorting, and utter financial irresponsibility. Some of the business ins-and-outs are the most fascinating, with details of the hirings and firings of managers like Nick Grillo, Stephen Love, Henry Lazarus and James Guercio, all supported with hard numbers that will make your eyes water.

Gaines’ strength is obviously not music criticism, and so he wisely steers away from a discussion of the band’s material. Where he does touch upon the quality of their music it is more to frame the public and critical reception to the band. If you want a discussion of the band’s music and their contribution to post-war culture, there are plenty of options. But Heroes and Villains is the only book that will give you all the shocking stories about the group’s personal lives, their fallings-out and appalling financial mismanagement. Yes, some of it is gratuitously lurid, but some of these stories needed to be told, to highlight the appalling suffering that some members of the band endured and it will give you a good understanding of why there continue to be ructions within the group to this day. Both Brian and Dennis, although shown to be reckless and sometimes childishly selfish, are also given their just due and the book seems at pains to demonstrate how issues in childhood and adult pressures played into their tragic lives.

Heroes and Villains is a great rock n’ roll read. Is it all 100% accurate? Hard to say, but it’s a great story and if you’re a fan of the band it will help draw back the curtain on their personal lives and traumas and perhaps give you a deeper appreciation for the music that came out of such troubled times.


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